Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Jacob - covered in hives!


After preschool, Jacob was very clingy and something was definitely off. He started to get a few hives, but had no fever. However after only a few minutes the hives got worse so we headed to the pediatric walk in. At that point he had a low grade fever, and with the strep test coming back negative, the doctor said it was an allergic reaction to something and to take benadryl.

During the night it was obvious the benadryl wasn't working, he was basically one big hive! So first thing in the morning I was ready to take him to the hospital, but was waiting for a call back from the doctor first. The doctor said the hives were most likely the body's way of dealing with the low grade fever and to give benadryl more often and also tylenol. As the day went on, he was not improving, it was actually getting quite worse. But there were no other symptoms so we just kept waiting. 

Then miraculously in the morning he was fine! No hives, no fever, and tons of energy.

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